Water features and soils in Canada

In the 1960s, oil was discovered off the coast of Newfoundland in the Grand Banks. This created a new industry for the province and brought in a great deal of money. However, it also had negative environmental consequences. The massive platforms and oil rigs disrupted marine life and polluted the water with chemicals. Several spills …

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Discovering Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the world, after Russia. It offers endless engaging experiences to travelers and divides Canada into 13 different regions, offering a unique experience that one may find appealing. Each region has its characteristics, so it will be tricky to decide which region or entire country to visit. If you’re …

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Historical overview of Canada

Canada is a nation of multiculturalism and many cultures. Indigenous peoples had inhabited Canada for thousands of years and traveled through North America in ancient times before Europeans arrived. In the late 18th century, British colonialism in North America began with colonies along the Atlantic coast. Learn more about Canada’s history in a nutshell in …

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